Friday, May 27, 2011

Finding What I'm Looking For...

  So, not unlike, pretty much everybody, I like to shop on the marketplace.
Usually I won't even bother with looking anywhere else for poses and textures. It's tedious work randomly tping to shops trying to find what I'm looking for and YAY I can search for it by name if need be!
  Yes, I have those lovely options, but what always catches me off guard is the absolute plethora of single poses or single textures I find. I end up searching through 10 pages of 1 person's craptastic single poses or 117 variations of 1 stone texture and honestly it makes me tired!
  Worse yet, what I am looking for is usually mixed somewhere in them. I will NEVER buy a single pose or texture I find on marketplace because of this. It's downright rude to assume it's ok to do this instead of boxing them together. It just makes it harder for everybody to shop. And by the time I see your horribly displayed items 129 times, I want them even less. Also, with textures, if you are selling recolors, you are pretty much farking yourself selling all the colors separately considering people can buy 1 for $10 and recolor it however they want.

   I don't mean to turn this into Yoko's personal biatch blog, but seriously!!!