Wednesday, February 2, 2011


     Our customers are a smart bunch that notice the tiniest little things and bring them to my attention. I certainly appreciate it!

 In fact, I left a dollarbie skin not on sale and came back with 3 notecards and an IM telling me so right after the opening! Thanks. I really do appreciate it!

 I also forgot to reprice a few of my fatpacks and left them at L$10. Right next to my other L$10 smaller packs of the same items.

 I'd not blame anyone for my mistake. It was a big oops! I am just wondering why not 1 notecard arrived asking if this was accurate. Even customers that have known my pricing structure almost as long as Glamorize has been open purchased these items at an even more ridiculously low than normal price. Why didn't that get questioned?

  Even I, Yoko "OH MY GOD IT'S SO CHEAP" Leeeroy wouldn't price a L$70 fatpack at L$10. That's L$700 worth of uploads! It would take me 70 sales to recoup my own costs. I wouldn't care if the person who noticed it got it for L$10. Hell, if someone could have had the kindness to tell me instead of just buying it and walking off I would have seen to it that they got some nice free merchandise! Alas, people just aren't that honest.

   I have seen accidental L$10 stuff in shops and notified the creator on numerous occasions. Am I weird or something?


 I guess I will ask that if any of my customers find pricing or something that looks amiss to let me know. You will be rewarded handsomely.